Data Analysis

NYC Air Quality Investigation

For the NYU Interactive Telecommunications Program, I examined time-series data for air quality and attributable deaths in New York City. I cleaned the data in SQL to show citywide and community-level air quality measures over a 10-year period.

I mapped the city's 59 community districts to a shapefile from NYC Open Data and linked them to my data subset in Tableau using a geo join.

Web Scraping with Python

In Digital Investigations 101: Introduction to Data Journalism, taught by investigative journalist Surya Mattu, I learned about web scraping, relational databases, PowerShell functions and command line.

We used Beautiful Soup for HTML parsing, pandas for database queries and JupyterLab for data analysis. My programming exercises are available on GitHub.

ESPN Analytics Tracking

Analytics played a major role in our content strategy during my time managing with ESPN Digital. Using Adobe Analytics, I tracked our platform growth and content performance, offering data-driven solutions for both editorial process and personnel management.

My research and recommendations allowed the group to produce higher performing content more efficiently, while reducing staff turnover and boosting morale.

Multimedia Production

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