Audience Research

Newsletter Research Consultancy

My NYU Studio 20 class teamed up with Talking Points Memo to examine the performance and potential of The Franchise, a weekly newsletter dedicated to voting rights issues. I fielded a reader survey, which covered demographics, consumption preferences and reader motivations, for The Franchise's roughly 30,000 subscribers.

From the survey data, we were able to identify why people read the newsletter and what issues matter to them most. We also compiled a geographical database of readers that TPM can use to source local and regional reporting and published a story generated by a lead from the survey.

Tech Policy Press Market Analysis

My class also partnered with Tech Policy Press on a two-week sprint, researching several critical business areas from market sizing to globalization strategies. The consultancy was part of a Product Development seminar with professor Elizabeth Spiers.

I conducted a competitive analysis and identified potential distribution partnerships using metrics provided by TPP founder Justin Hendrix.

NYC Dog Runs

For my final project in Audience-Centric Reporting at NYU, I had to report from within a community of my choosing. I decided to focus on dog owners in New York, launching to connect various advocacy groups and encourage them to share information.

NYC Dog Runs now includes the website, a social presence and a dog run map that I created in Google My Maps. I raised awareness for the project by distributing flyers with a QR code at dog runs throughout the city.

Data Analysis

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